Parents Association

The PS 87 Parents Association supports and assists the administration and faculty in the development and implementation of the school’s philosophy, policies and practices, including the school’s mission: to build a stimulating environment in which every student can experience success and enjoy learning; to advocate for a quality public education; to provide a forum for the expression and advocacy of parents’ concerns.

As a PS 87 parent, you are automatically a member of the Parents Association. 

As a PS 87 parent, you are automatically a member of the Parents Association. No dues are required. We are a not-for-profit organization that supports virtually every facet of our children’s lives at our school by funding key programs and coordinating communications, volunteer, and supplemental enrichment efforts. The PA hosts regular meetings for the general community. At these meetings, parents can hear the latest school news, discuss what’s on their minds, and listen to invited speakers. 


PA General Meetings are held once a month during the school year. In addition to the general meetings, PA officers and committee chairs meet once a month at an Executive Board meeting. All parents are welcome to attend the Exec Board meetings, whether or not they are involved with any of the committees. Meetings are held in the early evening in the school library. For meeting schedules, consult the school calendar, available online on our ps87 home page. All parents are also welcome to run for Officer and Committee Chair roles. Officers and Committee Chairs are elected each spring. 


The PA is responsible for the school’s fundraising, and relies on your donations to fund things that the Department of Education budget does not. We’re often in conversation with the school administration to figure out what is needed. Financial contributions from parents have helped build and maintain the Kindergarten playground, pay for professional development and assistant classroom teachers, and purchase the furniture in our new science lab, to mention just a few items. There are many opportunities throughout the year to donate, including during specific fund-raising drives and at special events such as our fall Harvest Festival and spring Auction. You’ll receive a Pledge Drive letter shortly after school begins; receipts from the drive account for a nearly one half of the PA’s annual budget, and we make sure your donations go a long way. Even if you can only give a few dollars, remember that a high rate of community participation increases our school’s chances of receiving grants, so please support the PA at whatever level is comfortable for your family.


Please click here for the Bylaws of PS 87 Parents Association, Inc. – Updated April 20, 2017.

Meet Your PA Executive Board


Welcome to our page! See below for a snapshot of who we are and how to get in touch with us. We would love to hear from you, so feel free to reach out! If you are unsure of who to contact, you may email


Your PS87 PA Executive Board


PA Co-President  - Katie Baker

My name is Katie Baker and. I have been a P.S. 87 parent for three years. I have two boys, Owen (rising 3rd grader) and Evan, (rising 1st grader).  I have just completed a year on the PA Board as the Co-President and my second year on the School Leadership Team (SLT).  In addition, I have been a class parent for three years and a constant volunteer at school events. I am passionate about cultivating inclusive school communities! Professionally I work as a Behavior Analyst and an adjunct professor in the field of special education. I founded an educational and behavioral consulting agency a decade ago and in that time I have been lucky enough to collaborate with over 25 public school districts in the tri-state area.   In our free time you’ll find our family “adventuring” all over the city or playing soccer!


PA Co-President - Eliz Battin

My name is Elizabeth Battin and I have been a member of the PS 87 community since 2019.  I have three boys, Graham (rising 5th grader), Crosby (rising 2nd grader) and James (rising PreK).  I served on the PA Board as the VP of Membership for two years working hard to bring back the life of this wonderful community in the fall of 2020.  When I’m not organizing the closets at school, I am teaching Interior Design at the New York School of Interior Design or practicing in the field myself.  You will often find us in the Big Yard or Riverside Park doing all of the sports.


VP of Admin - Amy Lin

My name is Amy Lin and I have two kids at PS87 - a rising 1st grader and 3rd grader. I’ve been a class parent in previous years, and co-chair of the school book fair. I previously worked as a high school science teacher before becoming a clinical dietitian. My husband and I have been on the UWS for over 15 years and we love raising our kids here. I look forward to continuing to work on the board as VP Admin, and meeting more families in the PS87 community!



VP of Comm Affairs - Corinne Roller

My name is Corinne Roller. I have two children at PS 87, in kindergarten and 3rd grade. I'm thrilled to continue in my role as VP of Community Affairs, ensuring that our community knows how decisions made at the city, state and federal level will impact our children. This work dovetails with my professional life as a communications and public affairs consultant. I grew up in Virginia, but New York has been home for more than 15 years. My family loves to be outdoors, experience new places and cultures, and see live music! We are all PS 87 superfans, and excited to be a part of this dynamic community. 


VP of Enrichment - Sabrina Blum

Hi, I’m Sabrina Blum. I have two kids at PS 87 - Noah in 2nd grade and Calla in 5th - and my oldest daughter Dalia is a proud PS 87 graduate.  I’ve been part of this wonderful school for the past 8 years and have had children go through every grade here, from Pre-K to 5th.  I’ve served as class parent numerous times, as Kindergarten Rep in 2022-23, and as the Chair of Broadway Night for the past two years.  I’m passionate about the arts and arts education, and that is why, in addition to chairing Broadway Night, I’m very excited to continue on in my role as VP of Enrichment.  

I am originally from Southern California, but my husband Eli and I have lived in NYC for over 20 years. I work part-time for the NYU Admissions Office, reviewing undergraduate applications, and in my free time, I enjoy taking dance classes and “New Yorking” around with friends and family.


Co VP of Communications - Linda Ng

My name is Linda Ng.  I have two children - Willa, a second-grader, and Emery, a middle schooler who just graduated from PS87 last year.  This will be my second year on the PA as Co-VP of Communications and I have volunteered as a class parent the past two years.  I work as a veterinarian and data analyst in public health and have lived on the UWS for the past 10 years.  I look forward to supporting the school and the community!


Co VP of Communications - Swati Vauthrin

Hi there! My name is Swati Vauthrin.  I’m a mother of 3, an active PS 87 community member, an Engineering leader in Tech (doing my own startup). My oldest will be entering 4th grade, my middle will be entering 1st, and our youngest just turned two! I've been a class parent as well as former PA secretary and former K Rep at PS87 since 2020. A little about me is that I’m a cook and lover of food, a fashion enthusiast, a sports fan, a fitness practitioner, and an avid traveler.  I’m also a mentor for rising Women in STEM. Really looking forward to partnering with you all and this community! 


VP of Membership - Lauren Vien

I’m Lauren Vien and this is my family’s second year at PS 87. I’ve found that the warmth and vibrant energy of our school community certainly lives up to its reputation! My son is wrapping up an incredible year of second grade and my daughter is equally proud of her PS 87 kindergarten experience this year. As VP of Membership and Events, I lean on my prior experience as a classroom teacher to plan meaningful events for children and families. I believe that shared moments -big and small- have an enormous impact on school morale and the connections we share with one another. I proudly serve as Scholastic Book Fair Co-Chair, which is one my very favorite events here! In addition to volunteering at PS 87, I work as a school administrator at a nursery school on the UES. Professionally and personally, I am committed to helping parents and children feel a sense of purpose and belongingness in their school communities. On weekends, you can find my family exploring “nature spots” in Central Park and riding our bikes all over the city; we love a good outdoor adventure!


Recording Secretary - Alicia Aucoin

My name is Alicia Aucoin. I have one son named Lexington who is a first grader at PS.87. Two years ago we moved to 78th street and have been in love ever since. We plan to raise our sweet boy here, on the Upper West Side. I’m thankful we found a school with such a strong PA presence and would love to be a part of it. A little over 7 years ago my Fiancé and I started making videos together trying life hacks, challenges and viral food recipes. We turned that into a career and now are full time content creators. Because of this I am blessed with creating my own schedule and having plenty of time to be more involved in this wonderful community. 


Corresponding Secretary - Liz Weinberg

My name is Liz Weinberg.  This has been our family's third year at PS87 and we have absolutely fallen in love with the PS87 community!  We are incredibly grateful for all the amazing experiences our two boys (rising 3rd and rising 1st graders) are having at PS87.  Anytime I'm volunteering in the school (I served as Scholastic Book Fair Co-Chair this year as well as a Class Parent) I am delighted by all the smiling faces!  I look forward to meeting and getting to know more of the PS87 families in the coming year as we work together to support our school community.


Co Treasurer - Peter Battin

My name is Peter Battin and I am returning for a fourth time as the PS 87 Co-Treasurer. I have worked in the treasury department at various banks over the last 18 years spanning a variety of roles and responsibilities. I have three boys, Graham, Crosby and James who in the fall will be in 5th / 2nd / Pre-K. I am looking forward to helping ensure the continued success of the PA and its support of PS87 community. When I find a moment of free time I enjoy spending time outside with my family and watching sports.


Co Treasurer - Anirban Dasgupta

My name is Anirban Dasgupta and I will be returning for a third year as PS87 co-treasurer. I have three sons in PS87 - Dylan, my eldest (third grade, dual language), Giles, my middle son (first grade, dual language) and Julian, my youngest son (joining pre-K). My wife Amy and I love the PS87 family and have deep respect for what it brings to the entire community. I look forward to continuing to contribute alongside the phenomenal group of volunteers in the PA. Professionally, I work in M&A/corporate development at an e-commerce / technology company and have been an investment banker for 10+ years prior to that. 

Fundraising Officer - Mei van der Schans

Mei van der Schans is a stay-at-home parent to 2 young boys and she is excited at the opportunity to contribute to the future of P.S. 87 by joining its Parents’ Association Board. Before raising her family, she managed a multi-billion-dollar investment portfolio at National Australia Bank, developed default models for corporate bonds and mortgages, and served as an assistant economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York after graduating from Wellesley College.  She also (volunteer) fundraised for the NYC chapter of Summer Search and cultivated certain corporate sponsorships for the educational non-profit. In her free time, Mei enjoys meeting new people, walking her dog, and scuba diving. 


Auction Co Chair - Shweta Mathew

My name is Shweta Mathew, and I’m a proud parent of Kabir (2nd grade) and Avram (kindergarten). I have previously served as Class Parent and had the pleasure of organising the Haunted Maze for Harvest Fest last fall. Originally from India, I grew up in the Middle East and have spent most of my life in New York City. The school and the PS 87 community have been a wonderful support, and I love raising my children in such a vibrant and nurturing environment.


Professionally, I’m an architect turned interior designer, running my own design firm. I’m excited to bring my expertise and creativity to the role of Auction Co-Chair, and I look forward to collaborating with all of you to benefit our school and its initiatives.


Auction Co Chair - Karen Garka-Prince

This will be my second year co-chairing the auction and have found it such a wonderful and rewarding experience. I have been an active part of the art world in both London and New York for 20 years. Initially working in major galleries in London and now at Phillips Auction House here in New York. Originally from England, I moved here in 2014 with my husband Alex and we have always lived on the UWS. We have two sons, Hugo who is in first grade, and Charlie who will be starting Kindergarten in the fall. We love being part of the special school community that is PS87!

Family Giving Co-Officer - Melody Solowski

I am Melody Solowsky, mom to a rising first grader. I was born and raised in NY, graduating from NYU. I moved to the UWS 10 years ago, and knowing about its well-deserved reputation, I was very pleased that my daughter was able to attend P.S. 87. We had such a warm welcome this past year. I have enjoyed getting to know so many parents this year, and working the Face Painting booth at Harvest Feast and Spring Fair.  I work in administration at a large NYC-based financial institution, but much of my free time is spent with my daughter in the P.S. 87 playground.  I look forward to helping our school with continued success.


Family Giving Co-Officer - Stephanie Nassimi

I am Stephanie Nassimi, and I am the proud mother of a second grader and an eager kindergartner joining the school this September. I have been a class parent and a field trip chaperone, and I am passionate about contributing to the school's nurturing and enriching environment.  For the past 20 years, I have been a CPA in the finance industry; I am currently a Vice President at a large investment bank based in NYC.  I am eager to participate in the PA as co-chair of Family Giving and will work hard to do the best I can for the school.

Wellness Officer - Erin Gilbert

My son, Calvin Andrews, has been at PS87 since kindergarten and will start fifth grade in the Fall (sob!).  I am an enthusiastic leader of wellness in the community, teaching group fitness classes at Crunch, overseeing the obstacle course for Fall Harvest and Spring Fair, and sneaking spinach into Calvin’s morning pancakes. I am excited to bring back Family Fit Night and continue Heart Healthy Month in the coming year and am always open to more suggestions and thoughts on how to make our community healthier!


One Family Under The Sun Officer - Regine Vincent Bonet

My name is Régine Vincent Bonet and I have been at PS 87 for the last decade. My husband Henry and I have three children, all of who have attended PS 87. Our youngest is going into 2nd grade. I have been a constant volunteer at PS 87 events. I love collaborating with others and I hope and look forward to continuing to create a positive culture and legacy for our beloved school, together.  I represent PS 87’s One Family Under the Sun . Under that umbrella, (Culture & Community) I have hosted many school wide culture celebrations with performances, some even involving Students, Staff, and Families. I have a background in Education but have also worked in finance as a mortgage broker. I've dedicated many years to development in the non-profit sector with a focus on Education and Equity for all as well as Work/Family Balance. I love music and like to sing for fun.

Kindergarten Rep - Emily Laurence

Hi, my name is Emily Laurence. I have had 3 children at PS87 ranging from PreK through 5th Grade. This year I'll have Annabel in Kindergarten, Eliza in 3rd Grade and Rupert starting Middle School.  For the past 2 years, I've been part of the Harvest Festival and Spring Fair committees, and have also served as Class Parent. Being involved in the PS87 community has been a lot of fun and I feel fortunate to have met many wonderful friends through the school. Outside of PS87, I am on the Australian Women in New York committee and coach girls soccer at WSSL.


Kindergarten Rep - Alissa Matisoff

Hi! My name is Alissa Matisoff and I'm excited to be one of the incoming K reps.  My husband Nate and I have three daughters and are looking forward to our "golden year" when all 3 will be under the (new!) PS 87 roof.  Lilah will be in 5th grade, Emmy in 3rd, and Zoe, K.  I've spent the better part of my career in finance and revenue operations at Ogilvy.  Outside of work and school events, I spend most of my time hanging with my family and schlepping kids across the UWS.  I've been a Class Parent for the last couple of years and am looking forward to this role and welcoming new and returning families to the community!


5th Grade Rep - Meredith Thompson

I'm Meredith Thompson and a proud parent to my rising 5th grader Oliver.  The time has flown by and I’m thrilled to be the 5th Grade Representative for our final year at PS 87.  Previously, I’ve been the PA Co-President, 87Afterschool Board Member, Afterschool Liaison and Class Parent.   I look forward to working with other 5th grade parents to create middle school information sessions and end-of-the-year celebrations. You can find my husband or me at morning drop-offs or at 87Afterschool pick-up.  Outside of my PS 87 volunteering, I work full-time in Media Sales for a division of iheartmedia specializing in political advertising.




Blue - DOE
Red- School Wide (Events and Happenings for students, adults, teachers etc)
Orange - Parents Association (Events and Happenings for adults)
Green - 87Afterschool


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